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Why Do People Become Homeless - Alcohol. help-for-the-homeless-alcoholic.

Updated: May 19

A homeless man was drunk, the EMS heros were able to convince him to go to the hospitol
Police and EMS helping a homeless man

Help for the homeless alcoholic.

This photo is of a homeless man who is an admitted alcoholic. We had a very heavy wet snow storm of which destroyed his tent. Hopefully once he sobers up. He will let us help him.

People often ask us, why do people become homeless? We will try and cover all possibilities of why there are so many homeless in the streets here in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York. Especially in this unforgiven climate. The winters get below freezing for a good three months every year. Summers get as hot as 95 degrees with high humidity.

There are many reasons why someone goes homeless. In our experience, the biggest issue and the root cause is alcohol. In our experience, alcohol is a big reason and a gateway to other drugs.

The root cause!

To touch on a few reasons why alcohol is one of the main issues, we were brought up learning and watching from our parents and the television that the only way to deal with our problems was to drink. The more problems we have, the more we drink alcohol. What can some of these problems be? Marital, loss of work, post-traumatic stress syndrome, poor upbringing, mental illness, the list goes on and on.

The spiral down

The bigger the problems, the more they drink alcohol, the more depressed, and the worse the problem gets. Next thing you know, another person is homeless on the streets. Leaving behind a wife and kids or just walking away from their home.

Any solutions?

We at, have been working on possible solutions to this root cause since 2007. We find that by providing love and caring support, trying to convince them that there is a better life for them without the alcohol, staying with them through these tough times, and becoming a friend that will never abandon them while leaving the tough love to the family members. Eventually, we get one more soul into a detox and rehabilitation program, then a sober house, or church, and connect them or reconnect them to AA meetings. At this point, they can reestablish relationships with friends and family.

Help is available.


631-260-1363 Sé hablá español 631-260-1260 Alcohol Anonymous (AA) Hotline, local number 631-654-1150 24/7

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