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**Help for the Homeless Alcoholic**
This photo is of a homeless man who is an admitted alcoholic. We had a heavy, wet snowstorm that destroyed his tent. Hopefully, once he sobers up, he will allow us to help him.
People often ask us, “Why do people become homeless?” We try to cover all the possibilities of why so many are living on the streets in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York—especially in such an unforgiving climate. Winters drop below freezing for a good three months each year, while summers reach as high as 95 degrees with high humidity.
There are many reasons why someone may become homeless. In our experience, the biggest issue—and often the root cause—is alcohol. It acts as a gateway to other drugs and exacerbates homelessness.
**The Root Cause**
Many are brought up learning from parents and television that alcohol is the only way to cope with problems. The more issues people face, the more they turn to alcohol. What can some of these problems be? Marital issues, job loss, post-traumatic stress disorder, poor upbringing, mental illness—the list goes on.
**The Downward Spiral**
The bigger the problems, the more they drink, which leads to deeper depression and worsening situations. Before long, another person ends up homeless, leaving behind family or walking away from their home.
**Any Solutions?**
At homelesslongisland.org, we've been working on solutions to this root cause since 2007. We find that providing love, care, and support, and convincing individuals that there’s a better life without alcohol, is crucial. We stay with them through tough times, becoming a friend that won’t abandon them while leaving the tough love to their families. Eventually, we help another soul enter detox and rehabilitation, then guide them to a sober house or church and connect them to AA meetings. At this point, they can start rebuilding relationships with friends and family.
**Help is Available**
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Hotline, local number: 631-654-1150, available 24/7