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What are the problems that the homeless couch surfer face?

Updated: Jun 4


A red couch and lamp surfing a wave at the ocean , alternate meaning is the homeless  couch surfer
A red couch and lamp surfing on a surf board and riding a wave at the ocean

What are the problems of homeless couch surfing?

Couch surfing, while offering temporary shelter, presents a different set of challenges for those experiencing homelessness. Here's a glimpse into the difficulties faced by couch surfers:

  • Instability and uncertainty: Couch surfers lack a stable living environment, constantly moving between different places. This constant transience can make it difficult to hold down a job, access essential services, or even feel secure.

  • Strain on Relationships: Relying on friends or family for shelter can strain relationships. Overstaying one's welcome or having disagreements over chores and space can lead to conflict and jeopardize future support.

  • Safety Concerns: Couch surfers may be vulnerable to exploitation or unsafe situations, especially if they don't know their hosts well. This can include threats of violence, sexual assault, or being kicked out unexpectedly.

  • Limited Support Services: Since couch surfers often appear to have a roof over their heads, they may be ineligible for some homeless shelters or support services. This lack of access to resources can hinder their efforts to find permanent housing.

  • Mental and Emotional Toll: The constant uncertainty and stress of couch surfing can take a significant toll on mental and emotional well-being. Social isolation and feelings of insecurity can further exacerbate these challenges.

The solution;

The solution can take time, do not be content, take action immediately; and find a place. When couch surfing, the homes that you stay at seem to dwindle, with the couch surfer never getting the real reason why. Tension and arguments can arise, leaving you kicked out of the streets or your car, calling other friends and asking for a place to sleep, only to get voice mail. If you live in Suffolk County, NY? we can help you, click on the link to contact us. Click here.

Ways to take action:

If you are couch surfing you need to be prescribe on the solution. Save your money if you get $10.00. Put 1.00 aside. Learn the best strategy to save money by clicking on this link. (This is a true story of a man who was poor and became the richest man in Babylon).

Homeless Long Island has resources on our website. To find a shelter, click here.

We also have a list of shared rooms for rent, To view our list, click here.

Learn more by clicking on this link: click away (Five difficulties the homeless face).

What can you do for the friend or family member.

The person you have sleeping in your home is most likely a friend or family member. You love them and want to help. Before they stay over, set a time limit for when they have to move on and stick to it.

Show love and understanding, and try to help them through this situation. Make them promise to work on the solution. Never ever let them bring drugs, alcohol, or a date over. Set that rule before they are invited to stay over. Communicate any problems that arise. Push and encourage them to look for work, or to go to DSS or Social Security to get any benefits they qualify for. You want to help them, you may even be saving their life. You will have to sacrifice your lifestyle. You will have to adapt to the situation.

Pray before, during, and with the homeless person.

What are some other forthcoming issues you should address before they move in? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Jul 01

FYI As for never let them bring a date over. Tell the police that. I have ecountered homeless living in my garage. A daughter who lives with me and the police tell me she can have any person come over into my home because she lives in my home. No matter who they are. And if youn want the person you have allowed to temporarily reside in your home to leave and they won't, you have to start the eviction process which could take 6 months or more. So the laws need to be changed to protect the kind people opening up their homes to homeless family or friends. You stating the rules are not the law.

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