My name is Sir Nitro. My mom and I were homeless. When my mom got COVID and pneumonia after her neck surgery, she had to go back to the hospital. I went with her before she got better. The hospital gave her a mask and released her into the streets, with active Covid and pneumonia, so she called Homeless Long Island. Then my mom and I went to DSS, and they refused to house us.
Now she is on the phone with this chaplain dude. He and his wife came out to Nassau DSS to pick me up. I was a little nervous, but hey, I’m easygoing, and this big guy is the same age as me. I figured the treats they had were good, so I went with them. It was a long ride. With Mrs. G driving, I thought, "Oh no, I don’t know about this." But the chaplain let me sit on his lap and stick my head out the window. With Mrs. G driving, it felt like a roller coaster ride. But I know God’s got my back. Hey, the treats are really good; they get them free from some guy named Gary.
Well, anyway, I’ve been with the chaplain and Mrs. G for a few weeks now. The only complaint I have is that they keep the bathroom door closed, so I can’t eat the toilet paper. They say I’m their foster kid, but hey, the treats are good. I don’t believe I look like a goat. I do eat like a goat, maybe that’s why they call me foster kid. I go along with anything as long as those treats keep coming.
We have a deal: they let me sleep in the bed with them, as long as I alert them to any suspicious sounds. I do miss my mom. They are trying to figure out how my mom and I can get back together, but it turns out no shelters like me. I don’t know why; I rarely yap, and I never go potty in the house. I miss my mom. Does anyone have any ideas about how I can get back with her? Please help. Life is short, and I miss her.
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"Sir Nitro's Journey: A Heartfelt Tale of Hope, Family, and Finding a Home"
About two months after my mom had me go with the big guy and Mrs G. My mom called with great news. She got a place that I can live at also.
We are now reunited.
I am happy home with my mom.