Suffolk County, New York, faces its own set of challenges and nuances when it comes to homelessness. While the types of homeless individuals in Suffolk County may share similarities with those in New York City, the suburban and semi-rural environment creates some distinct characteristics:
The three cans pictured above were opened by a raccoon, the one on the right was completely opened by the raccoon the other two were close to being opened before he was chased away. This happened at a camp site of a homeless man living in an abandoned factory.
Chronically Homeless: Similar to NYC, Suffolk County has a population of chronically homeless individuals who have experienced long-term or repeated homelessness. Mental health issues, substance abuse, and physical disabilities often contribute to their homelessness.
Families with Children: The homeless family is very hard to grasp, unfortunately it is becoming more and more of a reality. Most cases the homeless family is living in emergency housing. We never see a homeless family in the streets or in cars. The biggest concern about being homeless with young children is the possibility of CPS getting involved and placing the children in foster care.
Unsheltered/Homeless on the Streets: While the unsheltered homeless population in Suffolk County is smaller than in urban areas, some individuals and families do live in public spaces, including parks, beaches, and wooded areas.
Veterans: Suffolk County has a notable veteran population, and efforts are made to address veteran homelessness. However, some veterans still struggle with housing instability due to factors like PTSD, joblessness, or lack of support networks.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health: The county faces challenges related to substance abuse, including the opioid crisis. Many individuals experiencing homelessness in Suffolk County grapple with addiction and mental health issues.
Rural Homelessness: Unlike urban areas, homelessness in Suffolk County can manifest in more hidden ways, with individuals and families living in makeshift encampments in wooded areas or staying with friends and family, creating challenges for outreach and assistance.
Elderly Homeless: Like many suburban areas, Suffolk County has an aging population, and elderly individuals experiencing homelessness face unique health challenges.
Working Homeless: Some individuals in Suffolk County have jobs but struggle to afford stable housing due to the high cost of living, particularly in certain areas like the Hamptons.
Housing Insecurity: Suffolk County faces issues of housing insecurity, where individuals and families are at risk of becoming homeless due to factors like eviction, job loss, or medical emergencies.
Homeless in tents. The homeless that are in tents. Have many unforeseen issues in Suffolk county. They have to store there food away from the tent, the raccoons are very aggressive and hungry. Many homeless are woken up by the raccoons that chew a hole in the tent. Other problems are mosquitoes, mice, and a tic that you can not see. If they do not set up the camp site deep in the woods where no one can see or hear them, the police will kick them out.
Homelesss on side walks and parking lots. The homeless that sleep on card board on concrete. Seem to not care. We had homeless that lived this way all year around. One person would surround himself with shopping carts, cover himself with a blanket, and sleep in the snow.
Homeless in cars. People that are homeless in there car, have there own challenges. Sitting for long periods can lead to poor circulation in the legs and feet, potentially causing swelling, numbness, and blood clots (deep vein thrombosis) in severe cases. Sleeping in a car, especially in public areas, can expose you to safety risks, such as theft, vandalism, or confrontations with others.Sleeping in a car, especially if it's uncomfortable or in a noisy environment, can lead to sleep deprivation. Chronic sleep deprivation can result in fatigue, impaired cognitive function, mood disturbances, and a weakened immune system. A homeless man we are trying to help get off the streets, complained to us that in his words. The crack heads wake him up all night long asking for money and or asking to use his cell phone.
Homeless squatting in vacant houses: when homeless occupy an abandoned building. They are mostly living in unsanitary conditions. The wildlife that are usually in the building are raccoons, squirrels, rats and mice. They are also subject to arrest for trespassing.
Addressing homelessness in Suffolk County requires tailored solutions that consider the suburban and semi-rural context. Collaboration between local government agencies, nonprofits, and community organizations is essential to provide shelter, support services, and outreach to those in need. Efforts should focus on preventing homelessness, providing affordable housing options, and addressing the root causes, such as mental health issues and addiction, to create a sustainable impact on this issue in the county.