O condado de Suffolk tem uma lista de centros de resfriamento, você pode revisar a lista clicando aqui
Você é um veterano que não tem onde morar ou está passando por instabilidade habitacional?
Recomendamos fortemente que você obtenha a ajuda que merece, realizando uma das quatro principais ações de ajuda nos condados de Nassau e Suffolk.
1. Ligue para S.US (Serviços para pessoas carentes ): 600 Albany Avenue Suite 1 Amityville, NY 11701 Ligue para a equipe de resposta imediata:
2. Entre em contato com o National Call Center for Homeless Veterans : Você receberá alguém ao telefone imediatamente para conversar, no entanto, levará aproximadamente 48 horas para que alguém o visite:
(877) 4AID-VET (877-424-3838) .
3. Vá ou ligue para o hospital VA: 79 Middleville Road, Building 200
Northport, NY 11768-2200 Telefone principal:
4. Sem-teto de Long Island para veteranos:
A equipe de resposta terrestre mais rápida disponÃvel.
Se você é um sem-teto e não tem certeza se está pronto para sair das ruas. Envie uma mensagem de texto ou ligue para Homeless Long Island, para resposta imediata, teremos o maior prazer em fornecer as necessidades que você possa precisar, incluindo, mas não se limitando a; barracas, cobertores, roupas, sapatos, alimentos. junto com tudo o mais que você precisar.
Sem perguntas
Many people are homeless with their pets in Suffolk County, yet the Fair Housing Act § 3604(3)(B), which ensures reasonable accommodations, is being denied to many desperate individuals in dire need of shelter. These individuals, along with their beloved dogs and cats, are suffering immensely after falling on hard times.
​For a list of reasonable accommodation sample letters: Click Here
Nossos veteranos dizem
Veterano da tempestade no deserto de Pit
Alguns podcasts escolhidos
Combat Veterans: Heroes Beyond the Battlefield
Our team is honored to include three courageous combat veterans, each with decades of active duty and service under their belts. These heroes have shown resilience and bravery in combat, navigating the extreme pressures and life-altering challenges of deployment. Their experiences are etched into their lives, carrying stories of valor, sacrifice, and dedication that few can fully comprehend. However, their journey doesn’t end when they return from deployment—it continues through a daily battle on the home front. Many veterans face intense and often unseen struggles after service, including the lingering impact of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Combat changes a person, and returning to civilian life can feel like an entirely new mission, one filled with its own set of challenges. These veterans are fighting to reclaim peace, and in this battle, they show a different kind of courage—a bravery to confront and navigate through the trauma that remains long after the battlefield is behind them. Their experiences with PTSD reflect both their sacrifices and the extraordinary resilience required to face and manage these invisible wounds. Each day is a testament to their strength, as they work to heal not just themselves but also to support others who walk a similar path. These heroes are committed to breaking the stigma around mental health, standing up for themselves, their brothers and sisters in arms, and the broader community by promoting awareness, empathy, and healing. Through their actions, they continue to inspire us, proving that strength isn't just demonstrated in moments of physical battle but in every step forward in the face of post-war struggles. They are not only warriors; they are survivors, mentors, and advocates—dedicated to helping others understand the weight of their sacrifice and the depth of their courage. Their story is a reminder that service doesn’t end when the battle does. These veterans stand as pillars of resilience and hope, carrying forward the mission to support and uplift others, both within and beyond the military community.
Over Turn Your Dishonorable Discharge
United States Veterans you can over turn Dishonorable discharge. Our organization has resources available to provide comprehensive support to our veterans in need, including housing assistance, job training, and mental health counseling.
Top Five Reasons You Can Overturn A Dishonorable Discharge
Top Five Reasons You Cannot Overturn A Dishonorable Discharge
Overturning a dishonorable discharge from the U.S. military is a complex legal process and depends on a variety of factors. Here are the top five reasons that can potentially lead to the overturning of a dishonorable discharge, followed by the top five reasons that would make it difficult or impossible to overturnTop 5 Reasons You Can Overturn a Dishonorable Discharge: 1. **Procedural Errors in Court-Martial**:   - If there were legal or procedural mistakes during the court-martial process, such as improper admission of evidence or a violation of the defendant's rights, it may be possible to overturn or upgrade the discharge.   2. **New Evidence**:   - If new evidence comes to light that wasn't available during the original court-martial, it could lead to a review of the case. This includes exonerating evidence or proof that changes the context of the charges. 3. **Unjust or Disproportionate Punishment**:   - If the punishment was disproportionate to the offense, or if the sentencing did not follow military guidelines, there may be grounds for an appeal to upgrade or overturn the discharge. 4. **Medical or Mental Health Factors**:   - If it can be shown that a service member was suffering from undiagnosed or improperly handled medical or mental health conditions (like PTSD or traumatic brain injury) at the time of the offense, this could be a basis for reconsidering the discharge. 5. **Ineffective Legal Counsel**:   - If a service member had ineffective or incompetent legal representation during the court-martial, this could be grounds for appeal. The service member would need to prove that the defense counsel’s performance was deficient and that this affected the outcome of the trial.
Top 5 Reasons You Cannot Overturn a Dishonorable Discharge: 1. **Clear and Convincing Evidence of Serious Crimes**: Â Â - Dishonorable discharges are often issued for serious offenses like murder, rape, or desertion. If the evidence against the service member is overwhelming and indisputable, it is highly unlikely the discharge will be overturned. 2. **Failure to Exhaust Administrative Remedies**: Â Â - A service member must first go through all the proper military administrative channels, such as applying to the Discharge Review Board or the Board for Correction of Military Records. Failure to do so could prevent an appeal. 3. **Time Limitations**: Â Â - There are time limits for appealing discharges. For example, appeals to the Discharge Review Board must typically be filed within 15 years of discharge. If this time limit is exceeded, the chances of overturning the discharge are minimal. 4. **Lack of New or Relevant Evidence**: Â Â - If no new or compelling evidence can be introduced to challenge the original court-martial's decision, the discharge is likely to remain unchanged. Appeals based on the same arguments previously rejected will rarely succeed. 5. **Conviction of a Crime in Civilian Court**: Â Â - If a service member was also convicted of the same or similar crimes in a civilian court (especially if the crime was serious), it strengthens the justification for the dishonorable discharge and reduces the likelihood of overturning it.
How To Overturn Your Dishonorable Discharge
Lets get started, by clicking on the link below you can start the process of getting your military status, honor, and life back. If you need help negotiating the system to get started, or if you are unsure you even qualify to overturn your dishonorable discharge, please do not hesitate to call us.
Nenhum veterano deveria ficar sem um lugar para chamar de lar.
VA está empenhada em acabar com a falta de moradia entre os veteranos. Nosso foco é triplo:
Realização de divulgação coordenada para procurar proativamente veteranos que precisam de assistência.
Conectando veteranos desabrigados e em risco com soluções de habitação , cuidados de saúde , serviços de emprego comunitários e outros apoios necessários.
Colaborar com agências federais, estaduais e locais; empregadores; provedores de habitação, organizações religiosas e comunitárias sem fins lucrativos; e outros para expandir o emprego e as opções de habitação a preços acessÃveis para os veteranos que saem da situação de sem-abrigo.
Senhores da terra
Os proprietários têm uma oportunidade única de retribuir à queles que serviram. Os veteranos defenderam abnegadamente a nossa nação em tempos de necessidade, e os proprietários podem causar um impacto positivo protegendo estes indivÃduos do risco de ficarem sem abrigo, para mais informações:
Clique aqui
VA Northport cuidados de saúde
Estrada Middleville, 79, EdifÃcio 200
Northport, NY 11768-2200
Telefone principal: 631-261-4400
Conexão de saúde VA: 800-877-6976
Cuidados de saúde mental: 631-266-6077