Mandatory Treatment
Seafield Sober House
Renee/ Mike (288-1122 ext. 275)
or 631 451-6007 – Medford location
Accepts DSS, SSI/SSD
New Hope Rising, Inc.
631 336-9990
Accepts DSS
Working Houses
CK Post – Community Residence
(Intake – Request Community Residence– 434-7200)
Must get a job. Must save 70% of income.
Written referral needed. In resource file.
Kathleen – House Manager – 631 394-1948
Men and women
Mainstream House
(Robert Hartmann Jr. – 384-9754)
or 631 764-3003
Riverhead Accepts DSS
Daniel’s House
(Gail - 294-6438)
Mastic, Accepts: DSS or Working
Mastic House
(Michael -657-6770 - Mrs. Joseph 504-7378)
SSI/SSD $475
Lilly Guerline- Middle Island
532-7518, 509-1606 or 504-7499- Accepts: DSS
Soul Shine Housing (Formerly Cion Solutions)
Gabby - 631 618-1751
3 houses – Coram, Bellport and Shirley.
Living Everyday Effectively (708-5509)
Mastic Accepts DSS
Sonia Recovery Homes (Darren – 433-9102)
Bayshore, Central Islip – Accepts DSS, SSI, SSD
Waldo’s House (Waldo 714-4406 or cell 566-0308)
Middle Island – Accepts DSS
JDS Concepts (James 718 640-3042)
Several houses in Western Suffolk.
Accepts DSS, SSI, SSD & Self Pay.
United Veterans Beacon House (Ricky 1-631-771-9336)
Veteran and Non veteran services and housing
Accepts DSS, SSI, SSD
Hampton House (Toni Magoulas 1-631-581-3573, 1-631-627-0355)
Accepts DSS and self pay, SSI, SSD
Multiple locations
Fresh Renewal
Bernie – 516 304-9568
Accepts DSS
Multiple locations
Housing option with Bernie - 516-304-9568.
House in Brentwood; on Brentwood – Hauppauge border
House has 7 bedrooms, 2 people per room
Accepts DSS, SSP supplemental shelter program
Second Chance Properties
Sober housing for men - Michael C – 631 459-9965
Farmingville, E. Patchogue, Shirley
Accepts DSS – may have additional fees.
Second Chance Properties
Sober housing for women - Kayla 516 988-4545
Accepts DSS – may have additional fees.
Ken’s Place (Ken or Claire - 205-1706)
North Shirley, Does not accept DSS
Quannacut Sober House (Jack – 369-8966)
Mattituck, Flanders (new House 8/29/16) Accepts: DSS
Ken’s House (Ken, 891-2168)
Patchogue; Accepts: DSS, SSI/SSD.
Zeus Housing (Hank, 631-484-6650)
Seeking older men 30 and above
Sober house female (631) 618-1751 We have housing available for WOMEN IN RECOVERY. This is a family atmosphere in which women that are in recovery can join. Everyone goes to 12 step meetings daily and follows the protocol of a 12 step program. If you are SINCERELY interested in a sober and clean atmosphere then we welcome you. We accept DSS, cash or check as payment. There is no security deposit needed either. You need only a desire to maintain complete sobriety, be willing to follow a few simple rules and have a good attitude. We are affiliated with every hospital and crisis center in Suffolk and Nassau, as well as the drug court system in both counties. We pride ourselves on maintaining an atmosphere that promotes personal growth and are looking forward to meeting you! Shirley, NY. It is located near William Floyd Parkway and Montauk Highway. It is located within walking distance of 5 shopping centers, the LIRR, as well as a major bus route. This house is currently accepting applicants who can either self-pay or are applying through Social Services pending a submitted SSP packet. I can be reached either through my public page, my business email,or at my cell@631-687-0907. Please text or call.
Nassau County
Salvation Army – 516 481-7600 ext 332
Hempstead – Work therapy program.
Detox Programs
Eastern L.I. Hospital – 631 369-8977
Mather Hospital – 631 473-1320 ext. 4255
Nassau County Medical Center – 516-572-6394
St. Charles Hospital (alc & drug) – 631 474-6981
Southside Hospital – 631 968-3141
Talbot House – 631 589-4144
Brookhaven Hospital – 631 687-4000
Mercy New Hope - 516-546-7070
Inpatient Treatment Programs
St. Charles Hospital – 631 474-6233
South Oaks Hospital – 631 264-4000
C.K. Post – 631 434-7207
Daytop (T.C.) – 631 351-7112
E.L.I. Hospital (Quannacut) – 631 477-8877
Phoenix House (T.C.) – 844 815-1508
Outreach (T.C.) – 631 231-3232
Seafield Center – 631 288-1122
Self-Help Meetings
AA Hotline Number (631) 669-1124
NA Hotline Number (631) 689-6262
AL-Anon Family Group (631) 669-2827
Emergency Housing
Covenant House NYC (youth) 1-212-727-4000
D.S.S. Emergency Services Unit – 631 854-9100
Maureen Haven Riverhead (Nov-Mar) 1-877-727-6820
Nassau Emergency Housing - (516) 573-8626
Peconic Heights (female) – 631 208-8209
Salvation Army (VA, Northport) – 631 262-0601
St. Joseph’s (female) – 631 261-7989
Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous
Step 1 “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol-that our lives had become unmanageable.”
Step 2 “Came to believe that a power greater then ourselves could restore us to sanity.”
Step 3 “Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.”
Step 4 “Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.”
Step 5 “Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.”
Step 6 “Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.”
Step 7 “Humbly asked him to remove our shortcomings”
Step 8 “Made a list of all persons we have harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.”
Step 9 “Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.”
Step 10 “Continued to take moral inventory and when we wrong promptly admitted it.”
Step 11 “Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscience contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for the knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.”
Step 12 “Having had a spiritual awaking as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.”
Serenity Prayer
God Grant me the serenity
To accept the things
I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference